


FltPlan Adds Self-service International Handling Options

Under its new options, FltPlan customers can access and submit forms and information for Cuban overflight permits and U.S. CPB overflight exemptions.

Garmin Enhances Risk/hazard Reporting in FltPlan SMS

FltPlan safety management system now offers more categories for risk/hazard reporting and presents data in an easier-to-use format for aviation managers.

FltPlan Adds AeroData Runway Analysis Option

FltPlan users have a new option for runway analysis and takeoff and landing performance calculations provided by AeroData.

Garmin Acquires Trip Support Firm FltPlan

More than 6.3 million flight plans are created annually by FltPlan’s 165,000 registered users via its website or FltPlan Go app.
Regulations and Government

Collaboration Announced on Aviation Safety Action Program

Operators can access ASAP via the FltPlan safety management system software.

Garmin Connext Now Compatible with FltPlan Go App

Now allows pilots to wirelessly transmit a flight plan from FltPlan Go to compatible Garmin avionics.

FltPlan Go App Adds Flight Plan Creation

The latest version of FltPlan Go for iOS allows pilots to create or modify flight plans.

Gogo Biz Partners with App Developers

Starting in the fourth quarter, the ATG 1000 will support the Garmin Pilot, JetFuelX and FltPlan Go apps.

Plates on Maps Added to FltPlan Go for Android has added a number of new features to its FltPlan Go for Android moving-map app.

FltPlan Go App for iPad Now Works with Five ADS-B Receivers

When used with these ADS-B receivers, the app provides access to ADS-B IN weather reports, notams, TFRs and Pireps.