DaimlerChrysler Aviation (DCA) reported the first installation of Honeywell’s Primus Epic Control Display System-Retrofit (CDS-R) and other new avionics on an early serial number Gulfstream II. Besides the CDS-R, other equipment incorporated in the GII at DCA’s facility at Oakland County International Airport, Waterford, Mich., includes a Honeywell Primus II radio package, Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System and SPZ-800 flight director/autopilot, an L-3 TCAS 2000 and Goodrich’s GH-3000 stand-by instrument system.
Paul Reynolds, manager of avionics at DCA, said his group specializes in performing first-time installations of avionics systems for Gulfstreams as well as other models, such as members of the Challenger and Citation families. DCA believes it has more original STCs than others in the field, which can be applied to retrofitting similar models in the Gulfstream and other aircraft series. Examples, according to Reynolds, include first installation and certification of a radome with Airshow DirecTV and satcom on a Gulfstream STC. That STC, he noted, has just been amended to accommodate the EMS satcom division’s AMT-50 satcom antenna.
The Honeywell CDS-R, DCA noted, “was developed specifically for older analog aircraft to provide the avionics display system upgrades needed to ensure such aircraft as Gulfstream IIs and IIIs can operate effectively in today’s airspace system. Featuring 8- by 10-in. active matrix liquid-crystal displays, these large format designs offer tremendous flexibility in the presentation of flight data to the crew, and permit enhanced graphics never before possible with cathode-ray tube [CRT] displays.”
The revamped GII, DCA told AIN, is in flight test and on target to complete certification and delivery to the customer sometime this month.