uAvionix Intros HSI, Autopilot Port Adapter Units
Company unveiled the AV-HSI (horizontal situation indicator) module and AV-APA (analog port adapter)
AV-HSI-E (Experimental) AV-30 Accessory for experimental aircraft. © uAvionix

Avionics maker uAvionix unveiled two complementary products for its AV-30 panel display this week at the AEA Convention, expanding the system’s capabilities for IFR operations.

The AV-HSI (horizontal situation indicator) module provides course and glide slope guidance for ILS and LPV approaches, interfacing with GPS navigators via Arinc 429 and featuring serial ports for navcom integration. By synchronizing with multiple AV-30 units, the module allows pilots to add modern instrument approach capabilities without requiring a complete panel replacement.


Meanwhile, uAvionix's new AV-APA (analog port adapter), designed for aircraft with legacy autopilot systems, enables seamless interfacing between older analog autopilots and the digital AV-30 display. It emulates analog heading signals for heading hold and GPS track-following functions. “If you’ve got a legacy autopilot, this device is a game changer,” according to a spokesperson for the company.


Both products aim to modernize cockpit instrumentation while potentially reducing aircraft weight. The AV-HSI enhances approach capabilities for IFR operations, while the AV-APA allows operators to maintain and improve autopilot functionality without replacing entire systems. These products align with the company’s mission to “keep the skies safe and open for all” by providing upgrade paths that balance modern capability with cost-effective implementation.

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