Neither engine showed any signs of catastrophic failure or fuel starvation, according to the NTSB’s preliminary investigation into the crash of an Air Carg
A fragile and intricate set of deals last month promise to keep Meigs Field (CGX) open until 2026, but the Illinois General Assembly could still reverse th
An amendment to Massachusetts’ recently approved 2002 budget (H.B.3207) will eliminate the 5-percent sales and use tax when aircraft and aircraft parts are
Now that Congress has completed its $15 billion bailout of the airlines as a result of September 11, attention is finally turning to the small aviation bus
What with anthrax scares shutting down congressional office buildings for purification and cleansing, and both houses tossing brickbats at each other over
Late last month the FAA issued several Notams eliminating enhanced Class B airspace and reducing the dimension of the temporary flight restriction areas in