


Updated Honeywell JetWave Broadband Coming in 2023

Honeywell will intro updated JetWave broadband system in 2023, boosting speed and lowering connectivity costs.
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Supernal eVTOL To Feature Honeywell Anthem Flight Deck

Honeywell's cloud-based integrated flight deck allows pilots to access data and software online and should also support a transition to autonomous flight.
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Honeywell Sees Strong Growth Ahead for Bizav

Honeywell's annual Global Business Aviation Outlook calls for 8,500 new private jet deliveries over the next 10 years, worth an approximate $274 billion.
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Honeywell Unveils New SAF Production Technology

Honeywell has developed technology that will allow ethanol to be converted into sustainable aviation fuel, opening up new abundant feedstocks.
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Honeywell's TFE731 Turbofan Engine Turns 50

The TFE731, which turns 50, was Honeywell's first business jet engine.
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Honeywell Innovations Reduce the Environmental Impact of Flight

Honeywell supports Biden Administration policies designed to help drive emissions reductions in the air transportation sector.
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Air to Ground (ATG) vs. SATCOM: Which Is Right for Me?

The myriad choices accompanied by a proliferation of communications industry terms can be confusing to the aircraft owner or flight department manager
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Taking Off for the Future: Honeywell Anthem

Introducing the Sixth-generation Integrated Flight Deck
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Honeywell Poised to Support Business Aviation Through COVID Challenges

From UV Wands to Shoring up Supply Chains, Honeywell Keeps Bizav Flying
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Honeywell Radar Solutions Geared for Rescue/Corporate Aircraft

Weather Radar and Terrain Warning Systems Provide More Accurate Data for Better Decision-making
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