Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.


G150 Nabs EASA Certification

Gulfstream’s first metamorphosis of an IAI aircraft received EASA certification last week.
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Safety Board recommends new substance-abuse rules

As a result of a number of accidents in which the pilots omitted information or lied about substance and/or alcohol dependence during medical evaluations,
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NATA Says SAFO Should Not Be Mandatory

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) said in a letter to the FAA last month that its Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) should not be mandator
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Future FAA funding uncertain as legislators debate the details

With stark differences between House and Senate versions of FAA reauthorization bills working their way through Congress, some industry and congressional i
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Board members' letter reveals strife at NTSB

NTSB members are strongly dissatisfied with the way in which Board chairman Ellen Engleman Conners is attempting to curb their activities.
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Initiative aims to clear the ‘Aire’

While the debate continues to swirl on both sides of the Atlantic over the European Union’s scheduled imposition of a carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions tradin
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Congressional Observer: August 2007

• The Senate by a vote of 53-46 rejected new laws pertaining to immigration.
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Spotlight Shining on NextGen

Several recent developments have begun to allay concerns that the FAA’s NextGen ATC modernization effort was stagnating because of lack of direction and se
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GAMA Executive Retires after 25 Years

Ron Swanda, who was the first representative of the U.S.
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Airline Maneuvering: It’s Déjà vu All Over Again

At a Senate hearing on FAA financing last week, Delta Air Lines COO Jim Whitehurst, speaking for the Air Transport Association (ATA), reiterated one of ATA
Charter & Fractional

Revised Air-taxi APIS Rules Going into Effect

A reminder that Customs & Border Protection regulations for transmission of crew and passenger information for commercial operators will be changing on
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Legislation Affects Bizav Deductions and Fuel Tax

The Senate last week passed the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act (the “Highway Bill”), which authorizes surface transportation spending through f
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Pilots Protest Age 60 Retirement Rule

A group of current and former airline pilots rallied on Capitol Hill yesterday afternoon to protest the 45-year-old FAA regulation that forces pilots to le
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FAA Proposes Cabin Certification Alternatives

The FAA unveiled a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) last week that addresses airworthiness standards related to cabin interiors for transport-category
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Fallout from Senate Hearing Swift and Strong

Industry reaction to last week’s Senate Finance Committee hearing to discuss FAA reauthorization and the prospect of user fees was as strong as the stateme
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Senate Finance Committee Divided on FAA Funding

Corporate aviation took flak on FAA funding proposals this morning as the architects of S.1300, the Senate FAA financing bill that includes a $25 user fee
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FAA Hitting the Green

Speaking at an International Civil Aviation Organization meeting on emissions held in Montreal, FAA Administrator Marion Blakey told several hundred govern
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Congressional Observer: July 2007

• Congressional debates on war funding consumed much of lawmakers’ time and much national media attention.
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FAA Research Bill Moving through Congress

Chairman of the House subcommittee on space and aeronautics Rep.
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State Dept. Eases Passport Requirements

NBAA and AOPA said that the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative that became effective January 23 this year and required air travelers to carry a passport
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FAA Releases Extensive Final Rule on Rnav

The FAA published a broad final rule last month that incorporates Rnav definitions, clarifies the intent of obstacle departure procedures and modifies defi
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IRS Issues New NPRM for Private Aircraft Use

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) relating to the “deductions for entertainment use of business aircraft.” I
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Laser Bill Passes House, Sent to Senate

The House of Representatives passed legislation that aims to punish anyone convicted of knowingly pointing a laser at an aircraft with a maximum of five ye
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FAA Issues Speed, Altitude Restriction Guidance

The FAA has issued guidance on altitude and speed constraints in Rnav procedures.
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ALPA reverses course on opposition to age-60 rule

As the wheels of FAA rulemaking grind inexorably forward, the nation’s largest union of airline pilots executed a 180-degree turn on mandatory retirement f
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GA Groups Laud House Panel’s FAA Reauthorization

The House Transportation Committee’s attempt at an FAA reauthorization and funding bill has received praise and backing from general aviation interests, bu
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Meanwhile, in this Corner…

The Air Transport Association (ATA), which called the House’s bill “business as usual,” and its various airline members are still pushing hard for user fee
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FAA Reaffirms Two-year IA Renewal

After receiving approximately 60 comments to its request, the FAA issued a notice last week that officially extends the renewal of an inspection authorizat
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No settlement yet in battle over FAA funding

General aviation and its allies continued the political infighting with the airline lobby over user fees last month, firing salvos at an Air  Transpor
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FAA modifies rule to account for non-essential equipment

With so much nonessential equipment installed in today’s business jets, pilots might wonder if the rules regarding inoperative equipment apply to products