
News about environmental issues relating to aircraft operations, including noise issues, emissisions, and regulations. See Fuel for biofuel.


Countdown to Intl. Aviation Emissions Scheme Begins

ICAO’s new aviation climate scheme was born following Europe’s ETS was criticized for its “extraterritorial” ambitions.

Swiss Aviation Emissions Trading Deadline Imminent

European country is not part of the EU but scheme will fill gap in EU-ETS region.

Van Nuys Airport Gets Major Solar Energy Project

The solar panels on the roofs of the Aeroplex/Aerolease Group's hangars will provide enough energy to power 200 homes for a year.
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Cabin Interior and Electronics

Donaldson Displays 3 New Cabin Filters

Product ready for 737/757, 777, A330
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Boom Order Book Up To 76, CEO Says

Supersonic airliner, on track for 2023 debut, has five customers
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Safety Line Plans Real-Time Fuel-savings Tool

Move would expand OptiClimb offering to all phases of flight.

Birds of a Feather, Fly On Biofuel Together

Bombardier's EBACE demonstration fleet made its final lap to this year's EBACE powered by biofuel.
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Castle & Cooke Makes EBACE Debut

The U.S. aviaton services provider chain is a recent addition to Avfuel's global dealer network
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Business Aviation and the Environment

Infrastructure, technology and alternative fuels are on the industry's radar to reduce environment impact, and save money.

GAMA Releases Standard for Hybrid, Electric Propulsion

The standard comes as a number of manufacturers have hybrid and/or electric projects underway.

NBAA Backs EC's Continuation of EU-ETS Exemption

NBAA says the exemption of international operations supports the need for a global approach to emissions policy.

First ATR Biofuel Demonstrator Takes Flight

Swedish airline BRA flies ATR 72-600 fueled with 45-percent cooking oil
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EPA Rejects Appeal on Certain Aircraft Emissions

The Biogenic C02 Coalition claims EPA's aircraft emissions endangerment finding is illegal because of its treatment of certain biogenic emissions.

Flight Demos Jet-A Derived from Plastic Waste

The 500-mile January 11 flight from Sydney to Melbourne, Australia, involved a diesel-powered Van's RV-9A fueled in part by plastic waste.
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Conflicting Climate Plans Set To Clash on January 1

The EU’s emissions trading scheme could resume in January for international flights, creating friction with ICAO’s developing CORSIA plan

Boeing, Comac Sign Pact To Expand Environmental Efforts

Sustainable Aviation Technology Center to pursue research in materials recycling, air travel for aging populations, workplace safety

ICAO Aviation Emissions Scheme Exempts Most Bizav Ops

Aircraft operators that emit less than 10,000 metric tons of CO2 in international flight and aircraft weighing less than about 12,500 lbs are exempt.

ICAO Action on Aircraft Emissions Anticipated This Week

IBAC's Edwards offers support from bizav community for ICAO action on global market-based measures.

Environmentalists Renew Call for Action on Avgas

The new Friends of the Earth report continues the pressure on EPA as it anticipates release of endangerment finding on leaded avgas in 2018.

EPA Takes Next Step in Regulating Aircraft Emissions

The agency issued findings that aircraft emissions contribute to air pollution that endangers public health and welfare.

Solar Impulse 2 Attempts Flight from Spain to Egypt

The goal of the journey is to showcase the possibilities of clean technology and renewable energy in aviation.

Embraer 170 to Fly in Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator Program

A new partnership between Boeing and Embraer will see a fourth platform join the program.
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Arguments Heard in East Hampton Airport Curfew Appeal

Central issue in the case is whether the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 (ANCA) continues to apply at the airport.

Brace for ICAO Emissions Scheme This Year

Aviation groups continue to push for global approac

Is Maglev the Future of Aircraft Takeoff?

Is Maglev the Future of Aircraft Takeoff?
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Aviation Partners Winglets Conserve Six Million Gallons of Jet-A

Savings equivalent to the fuel used by approximately 12 million passenger cars being driven for a year.

Airbus, Siemens To Cooperate on Hybrid Electric Propulsion

Project aimed at demonstrating feasibility of various systems by 2020
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KLM Launches New Biofuel Initiative with Embraer 190

Airline aims to cut CO2 emissions by 20 percent by 2020
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FAA Moves To Next Phase of Unleaded Avgas Testing

The agency narrowed field of potential avgas replacements to two fuels out of the four originally selected for testing.

ATR Studies All-Electric Architecture for Turboprops

A prototype ATR 72 has completed a 15-hour test campaign in the framework of Europe's Clean Sky research project.
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