News, issues, personnel, equipment and developments about air traffic management.


Say Bye-Bye to DF Steers

The FAA is proposing to decommission all 54 direction finders (DF) and associated DF approaches in all states other than Alaska.

Wake of Airbus A380 Might Mean More Spacing

Because international aviation regulators and aerodynamic experts failed again last week to reach agreement about the extent of the safety hazards created

Red tape makes Single European Sky look more like pie in the sky

In the last few years, the development of air traffic management in Europe has been based on the idea of creating a seamless upper airspace zone called the

Nav Canada Launches ADS-B Program

By 2009, Nav Canada plans to install ADS-B ground stations around Hudson Bay, which straddles high-latitude flight paths between Asia, North America and Eu

NTSB Has 'Serious Concern' With ATC Alerts

Based on a study of 11 accidents that occurred between December 2002 and February this year involving primarily general aviation aircraft, the NTSB express

Joint venture seeks key to NATO radar RFP

AGS Industries, a recently formed joint-venture company headquartered in Ottobrunn, Germany, is working on a response to a formal request for proposal for

Approach Limits Raised in Canada

Responding to recommendations from Canada's Transportation Safety Board after at least two low-visibility landing accidents, Transport Canada will increase

Canada, Playing Catch-up, Will Mandate TCAS

Transport Canada has proposed a regulatory amendment requiring installation of TCAS-I and TCAS-II, in line with current FAA rules.

Lockheed To Disclose ADS-B Contract Team

Lockheed Martin is expected soon to make a surprise announcement about its bid for the FAA's forthcoming ADS-B contract, said to be valued at around $2 bil

New Clips: Verizon Airfone Reverses Course

Responding to customer input, Verizon Airfone said it will continue providing MagnaStar phone users with air-to-ground communications “through at least Dec

Bolen slams ATA’s VLJ stance

The “invasion,”–as critics call it, of thousands of very light jets over the next several years has prompted NBAA to fire a shot across the bow of the Air

Air Routing keeping tabs on gridlock

Air Routing International (ARI) of Houston has introduced a new service for U.S.

FAA To Hire 12,500 New Contollers

Hoping to stave off a shortage in air traffic controllers caused by an expected wave of retirements, the FAA will hire 12,500 controllers over the next 10

Eurocontrol reduces its ATC charges

Operators will see en route ATC charges for most of Europe reduced by an average of 7 percent starting this month.

LABACE 2005: RVSM arrives in Latin America with few glitches

Latin America adopted reduced vertical separation minimums (RVSM) on January 20, along with the rest of the Americas, and the transition to date in Brazil

Iridium in Talks with Manufacturers on Satellite Replacement Strategy

Iridium has entered into preliminary discussions with satellite manufacturers about potential replacements for its network of low-earth-orbit communication

Insurance rules may cut EU traffic

New European Union minimum liability insurance standards that took effect April 30 are causing some U.S.-based operators to rethink their trips to Europe.<

GAO and NATCA Spar on ATC

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) study of five foreign ATC service providers contends that since “commercialization,” they have maintained safety,

Canada Says No Fee Increases in Near Term

Nav Canada, the company that runs Canada’s ATC system, reports that because of favorable financial results in its most recent quarter and the preliminary o

NBAA Clarifies RVSM Climb and Decent Speeds

An operational alert NBAA published last month requires some clarification.

Pennsylvania installing ADS-B ground stations

Pennsylvania transportation officials have announced a plan to install automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) ground stations at four state air

LAX Class B Shoreline Route Reinstated

The configuration of Los Angeles (LAX) Class B airspace is set to change on December 22 to ensure that STAR routes are contained within the protected airsp

FAA rolls out ‘co-opetition’ concept at ATC convention

Co-opetition–it’s the hottest new Washington buzzword, meaning that you cooperate with your competitors to ensure you’re not left out when the FAA awards t

Union rejects FAA call for federal mediation

The union representing air traffic controllers rejected the FAA’s call last month for federal mediation to help the agency reach a new labor agreement with

FAA & union still differ on pay, workday

The FAA’s air traffic controller contract proposal maintains the average base pay of current controllers ($166,000), which the agency said is a 74-percent

Large UAV Flies in Civil Airspace

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in civil, non-segregated airspace took another step forward early last month at the unmanned systems trade show

Raytheon To Conduct ADS-B Trials for Eurocontrol

Raytheon Systems of the UK has received a contract from Eurocontrol to install four ADS-B (automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast) ground systems to su

Australia Moves Ahead with Plan To Provide Free ADS-B Avionics to GA

Airservices Australia has issued a request for proposal (RFP) to avionics makers for as many as 1,500 ADS-B airborne systems for installation in the countr

NASA’s SATS Initiative Could Pay Dividends for Business Aviation

People tend to think of NASA’s Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) project as a far-fetched plan to put an airplane in every garage and turn the sk