News, issues, personnel, equipment and developments about air traffic management.


Aireon and Airways New Zealand Sign Airspace Agreement

The two are studying the possibility of deploying ADS-B for New Zealand and Auckland FIRs.

Existing Products, Services Meet ICAO’s Aircraft Tracking Requirement

Range of suppliers say that 15-minute standard is doable as future GADSS system is developed.
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TV Signals Could Become a Radar Alternative

TV signals can pinpoint aircraft accurately enough to meet the standard ATC separation requirements, according to a recent study.

DSNA Improves Continuous Climbs Out of London

The plan was designed to reduce the number of intermediate altitude level-offs.

FAA Expands Use of 3-nm Separation at Mid-Altitudes

A recent FAA notice offers guidance on the expansion of 3-nm separation in airspace below FL180 up to and including FL230.

Satellite ADS-B Monitoring Now on the Horizon

The linkup marks a milestone in the effort to create a system of satellite-based ADS-B receivers in each of Iridium’s 66 next generation satellites.

Nations Act To Protect Their Satellite Industries

The biggest challenge to imagined interoperability could be governments protecting their own systems.

'Remote Tower' ATC Systems Planned in Germany, Ireland

Germany's DFS announced a contract with Frequentis that will make Saarbrücken Airport the country's first remote-controlled airport.
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ATC Forgoes Slot Requirements for U.S. Open in Seattle

Should congestion build, arriving aircraft can expect ground delays or ground stops, in-trail restrictions and collaborative trajectory programs.

FAA Set To Expand Data Comm System

After a two-year test period, the text-based cockpit communication system will serve more than 50 U.S. airports by the end of next year.
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Eurocontrol Readies for Free Route Airspace

Maastricht air traffic control center makes progress in efficiency but faces slow progress in wider European ATM cooperation
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European Commission Struggles to Broaden Egnos Acceptance

Monetary incentives are being set up to encourage airports to publish LPV approaches and operators to equip with receivers.
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NBAA, NATA Raise Concerns about ATC Separation from FAA

May 19 hearing on FAA reauthorization covers air traffic control modernization and reform.

ATC Reform Snowballs On Capitol Hill

Details are scarce, but momentum grows for separating ATC from the FAA.

European Commission Struggles To Promote EGNOS Acceptance

Europe’s navigation satellite agency offering monetary incentives to airports and airlines
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FAA Eyes FY17 for Future Flight Service Program Contract Award

Lockheed Martin’s contract for AFSS could run through 2019.

D.C. Operators Face New Procedures with NextGen

New departure and arrival procedures, along with airspace changes, are designed to produce millions in savings.

FAA Declares New En Route Automation System Is Operational

Thirteen years in development, the En Route Automation Modernization System now operates at 20 en route centers nationwide.
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Rnav Stars To Roll Out in SFO Area

Five new procedures will take effect around San Francisco on Thursday.

ATC Prepares for the Kentucky Derby

There will be no slot-reservation system, but pilots should be prepared for other traffic-management initiatives.

Sweden's LFV Inaugurates First 'Remote Tower' Operations

The state-owned air navigation service provider claims to be the world's first ATC organization to manage an airport remotely.
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Natca's Rinaldi Urges Change in U.S. ATC System

Rinaldi declines to jump into funding debate, but says stable, predictable funding flow necessary.
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Global Satellite Navigation Inching Closer to Full Implementation

Four constellations will be complete by 2020.

French Controllers Call Off Strike

DGAC assures union that latest proposal will stand

Industry Selects Projects To Speed Single European Sky

The Sesar Deployment Alliance of airlines, airports and ATC providers recommends 110 projects to kickstart the Single European Sky.
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Next French ATC Strike Set For April 29, Despite Talks

Largest controller union objects to method of negotiation
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Bell Helicopter And Hughes Aerospace Developing PBN For China

More direct approaches and lower minima would be possible if helicopters in China could use PBN.
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Time-based ATC Separation Begins in London

Windy conditions reduce LHRs arrival rate approximately 65 days each year.

FAA Proposes New Policy on Flight Procedures, Airspace

Guide details definitions and processes for creating IFR procedures.

New MH370 Report Reveals Radar, Procedural Failings

Exposes shortcomings at military air defense and civilian ATC control centers, and MAS ops center
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