Axis Rolls Out Virtual Cockpit Procedure Training Headset
Device features virtual and mixed-reality technology, as well as an artificial intelligence "instructor"
Axis Flight Simulation has introduced its Virtual Cockpit Procedure and Walkaround headset device to provide another element to pilot training.

Axis Flight Simulation today unveiled its Virtual Cockpit Procedure and Walkaround Trainer (VPT). The headset device incorporates virtual- and mixed-reality technology to serve as a standalone training tool or to be used in conjunction with Axis’ full-flight simulators covering tasks such as system familiarization, emergency scenarios, and flight procedures.

VPT incorporates hand- and eye-tracking capabilities to allow users to engage with the information they need for training sessions. Using hand gestures, they can also activate the system’s artificial intelligence “instructor” feature, which answers questions on aircraft systems, controls, and functions with spoken guidance, visuals, and references to relevant sections of manuals.

The first version of the Axis VPT has been developed for use by business jet pilots operating the Bombardier Challenger 350, and the company said it can adapt the device for other aircraft types on request. The technology, which will be demonstrated at the EATS 2024 training show next week has been jointly developed by the Austrian group’s sister company Propair Flight.

“Our VPT will significantly advance the realism and efficiency of pilot training,” said Christian Theuermann, a member of Axis Flight Simulation’s executive board. “As one of the first manufacturers to offer VR training for business jets, coupled with innovative features such as hand tracking, we are proud to offer this solution to the market.”