The creative team of recently formed AirSide Door Systems, based in Sarasota, Fla., has designed, manufactured and installed hangar and marina door systems throughout the U.S. and Caribbean islands for nearly 30 years. This year, new NBAA Convention exhibitor AirSide Door Systems is showcasing its newest hydraulic door system, the HydraLink, at its NBAA booth (4450).
AirSide Door Systems engineers have installed, maintained and repaired many doors manufactured by other companies and they used the knowledge gained to design the company’s own more reliable and rugged door systems. Problems seen on competing doors in the field include design and warranty issues that trigger reoccurring cable lift, bifold and hydraulic swing door service calls.
Single-span hydraulic lift doors have become more desirable, not only in the aviation industry but also for industrial, agricultural and marina applications. In 2013, AirSide leaders tasked the engineering and design team to develop the “…best hydraulic lift, pivot-door design in the industry.” Several months later, the AirSide team unveiled the HydraLink door system, which employs an innovative hydraulic lift-and-pivot design. The HydraLink hydraulic door system is now available in widths of more than 160 feet and it is capable of withstanding wind speeds of more than 200 mph.
All AirSide hangar doors are made in the U.S. and available in multiple configurations, including pilot doors, and with added safety devices and a variety of cladding options. The doors carry a standard warranty, as well as extended warranty options for hydraulic power units and rolling door drive units.
“This design is unlike any other current system,” said Gary Bergstrom, AirSide director of sales. “When I was first retained, much of my time was spent dealing with warranty issues on systems our team had installed. A valued client with multiple FBOs nationwide asked us for a hydraulic door system that required less maintenance with minimal callbacks. Our goal was to design the best hangar door in the world.”
He added that the door itself functions like a robotic arm with a fluid lift-and-swing motion. “Our system can include a fully monitored touch screen program on the control panel to provide an exterior live video feed of the door while in motion,” he said.