NBAA Convention News 2014

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Châteauroux Airport Vies for More Maintenance Business

This airport in central France offers MRO, freight, pilot training and fireman training.

With Gulfstream Win, Pratt & Whitney Canada Tightens Grip On High-End Bizjet Market

Two PW800 variants are close to certification as the engine manufacturer adds another airframe win.

Jet Aviation Moves To the Bahamas

During the NBAA show the business aviation services company signed a management agreement with Executive Flight Support

Is the FBO Business Model Broken?

John Enticknap, co-founder of the Aviation Business Strategies Group, a company that provides consulting services to FBOs, says “Yes.”

Honeywell and Jeppesen Unveil Cloud-Based Chart Updates

The cloud-based, update service provides quick access to navigation chart updates anywhere in the world.

Innotech Touts Global Express Ovation Installation

Project marks first such upgrade performed in concurrence with a 120-month inspection on this Global model.

New Compliance Tool Tracks Annual IS-BAO Revisions

Advanced Aircrew Academy offers a management tool that interprets the applicability of annual IS-BAO changes to individual flight departments.

GE Honda Readies HF120 Turbofan for Service

The 2,095-pound-thrust HF120 received FAA approval in late 2013 and EASA certification is anticipated in early 2015.

Duncan Aviation Adds Embraer Gear Overhauls, Support for IDC Avionics

Duncan Aviation has added capabilities to overhaul landing gear on Embraer ERJs.

Elliott Aviation Rebrands Sales Department into Elliott Jets

The company has formed strategic relationships with Textron Aviation and Jet Linx Aviation.