Genesys Receives STC for EC130T2 HeliSas
New HeliSas STC adds to growing list of approvals for Genesys helicopter autopilots.

Genesys Aerosystems is offering details about its HeliSAS helicopter stability augmentation system (HeliSas) and autopilot at Booth 3334. The latest HeliSas recently received an FAA supplemental type certificate (STC) for installation in the Airbus Helicopters EC130T2.

The STC expands Genesys’s range of autopilot certifications for Eurocopter, Bell and Robinson helicopters, according to the Mineral Wells, Tex.-based company, which purchased Cobham Avionics units S-Tec and Chelton Flight Systems in April in a management-led buyout.

This latest STC is the result of the company’s program to expand certifications for the HeliSas system, which is already certified in the EC130 and AS350 series, Bell 206 and 407 models and Robinson R44. Genesys holds more than 1,000 FAA STCs for autopilots and more than 500 international approvals.

The EC130T2 HeliSas STC installation was performed by Wysong Enterprises in Blountville, Tenn. The $114,000 HeliSas two-axis autopilot for the EC130T2 includes heading and nav hold modes as well as vertical speed and altitude hold and is available now.

“The compact, lightweight HeliSas system is designed to reduce pilot workload while providing precise control during all modes of flight,” according to Genesys, “regardless of wind conditions or shifts in weight.” And the system’s “attitude stabilization and force feel features enhance handling characteristics and mitigate inadvertent cyclic control inputs that could result in dangerous attitudes,” the company said.

A unique feature of HeliSas is its ability to automatically maintain or return the helicopter to a neutral attitude when the pilot releases the cyclic, allowing the pilot to set radios or perform other functions. This feature works in all phases of flight. To regain control, the pilot just needs to move the cyclic normally.

“HeliSas is an ideal safety system for HEMS, air tour and other operators who fly the EC130T2,” said Jamie Luster, Genesys director of sales and marketing. “HeliSas delivers to light helicopters affordable and immediate benefits that previously were available only for large commercial and military aircraft. That’s why we’re continuing to expand the range of certifications for HeliSas to more light helicopter models.”

In addition to analog and digital autopilots, Genesys also manufactures electronic flight instrument systems with 3-D synthetic vision. The company supplied the integrated cockpit for Textron AirLand’s light attack and ISR Scorpion jet, including the displays, FMS, hazard alerting, engine and systems monitoring, mission interfaces and digital autopilot.