Content Archive: December 2009

Handoff - DHS: Michael Chertoff to Janet Napolitano

Two-term Arizona governor Janet Napolitano became the third secretary of Homeland Security last January 21, replacing Michael Chertoff as head of the massi

Handoff - FAA: Robert Sturgell to Lynn Osmus to Randy Babbitt

Former Air Line Pilots Association president Randy Babbitt was confirmed for a five-year term as FAA Administrator on May 21, taking the reins from acting
Maintenance and Modifications

Hot section: CRS Jet spares increases inventory

CRS Jet Spares has increased its overall line item inventory level by 33 percent this year, despite the economy, according to founder and CEO Armando Leigh

Handoff - DOT: Mary Peters to Ray LaHood

Despite his role in the impeachment of President Clinton and support for Sen.

Handoff - NTSB: Mark Rosenker to Deborah Hersman

NTSB sitting member Deborah Hersman was sworn in as the 12th chairman of the NTSB at the end of July, taking over from acting chairman Mark Rosenker, who h

In the works: Looking to the future, OEMs continue aircraft development

As expected, the recession has taken a toll on aircraft manufacturers and would-be manufacturers.
Regulations and Government

FAA falls short on promise to expedite duty-time rules

New rules governing flight- and duty-time limitations and rest requirements for Part 121 pilots are still a work in progress, according to FAA associate ad
Maintenance and Modifications

Hot section: Savannah Air Center renamed Midcoast Aviation

Savannah Air Center will change its name to Midcoast Aviation effective January 1.

Handoff - Signature: Bruce Van Allen to Michael Scheeringa

Under new president Michael Scheeringa, who took over from Bruce Van Allen early this year, Signature Flight Support has

The Future of Global Navigation

For years the world’s aviation authorities have been preparing for the transition to a re-imagined operating environment where an array of new technologies