Officials for Jeppesen report that the company has identified and corrected many of the irregularities in its NavData boundary data, but at press time abou
Arinc Direct, the business aviation services division of Annapolis, Md.-based Arinc, has officially launched a lineup of flight-support services for corpor
Is it a low-flying airplane or a high-flying boat? You won’t be seeing one of these flying over the Kansas prairie, but if you need to travel over the high
The NTSB has sent a letter to FAA Administrator Marion Blakey recommending that the Rockwell Collins AHC-85 attitude heading reference system (AHRS) comput
Pilots of Indianapolis-based Chautauqua Airlines planned to walk an informational picket line on March 28 at Louisville International, Ky., and Indianapoli
Once the ATC system began to recover from the 1981 Professional Air Traffic Controllers (PATCO) strike and the demand for services once more began to rise,
“This facility gives us the ability to triple our capacity here,” said Wynn Elliott, president of Elliott Aviation at Quad City Airport (MLI), Moline, Ill.