Content Archive: December 2006

Onex to breathe fresh life into Boeing subassembly plants

As Canadian conglomerate Onex prepared for its historic buy of Boeing’s commercial subassembly plants in the midwestern U.S., 9,300 employees at Boeing sit

French group helps SMEs with strategy

Adour Compétitivité (AC), a French association of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), is helping its members in an original way.

Big orders setting stage for turboprop encore

The so-called regional jet revolution has in the minds of many rendered turboprops a quaint throwback to the days of “commuter” airlines.

EU far from united on China embargo

“When China wakes, it will shake the world.” French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s assessment now lies at the heart of a major polemic between the U.S.

A final farewell to the Boeing 757

The 1,050th and last 757 airliner took off from Boeing’s Renton, Washington assembly plant for delivery to Shanghai Airlines on April 28, some 23 years aft

Production planners sweat ballooning backlogs

Here at this week’s Paris show, Airbus is introducing the A350, a larger variant of the A330 being presented at a global show for the first time.

Average Values of New Airliner Sales Give Conflicting Signals

Airbus statistics appear to support Boeing’s contentions that the average size of airliners is going to shrink.

North America fails to join Europe’s airline recovery

For many of the world’s airlines, the long and tiresome road to recovery has taken them through dips and valleys, hairpin bends and in some cases complete

Foreigners hold edge in MiG-29 upgrade race

The Mikoyan MiG-29 carries a reputation as one of the most capable fighter aircraft ever designed, but to keep the revered Russian warplane on the cutting

Mother MiG Gives Birth to New 29s

Russia’s RSK MiG continues to offer new members of the MiG-29 family of multifunctional fighters, including the MiG-29K/KUB, the-29M/M2 and the -29SMT.