Content Archive: December 2006


More Responsibility For GA Likely as Europe’s Controlled Airspace Grow

Europe’s controlled airspace is to be expanded to absorb air transport growth, leaving the general aviation community with the prospect of paying air traff
Regulations and Government

UK Defers Action on Foreign-registered Aircraft

Britain’s Department for Transport (DfT) has decided not to act unilaterally to impose new restrictions on UK-based aircraft that are registered overseas.
Regulations and Government

The aircraft certification process

You are sitting in a diner, sipping your fourth cup of coffee, solving aviation’s problems with an old friend, when the idea comes to you in a caffeinated
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Regulations and Government

Control issues: 25 years after the Patco strike

In the late 1970s, Continental Airlines president Frank Lorenzo used a court of law to confront his pilots with an existing, although seldom used, negotiat

New FBO Opens at Zurich

Swissport Executive Aviation (SEA) was set to open a dedicated business aircraft handling operation at Zurich International Airport on January 1.

Flying the HondaJet simulator

Honda engineers built a non-motion simulator–the Honda Nonlinear Aerodynamics Flight Simulator–for test-pilot training and to evaluate the flight character

Honda reveals new details about the cabin of its jet

During a briefing held on November 20, Honda Aircraft president Michimasa Fujino showed off the extensive research and testing that the Honda team has acco

Preliminary Report: Four die in Norwegian overrun

British Aerospace 146-200A, Stord-Sorstokke, Norway, Oct.

Chelton and Kollsman integrating EVS on PFD

Chelton Flight Systems and Kollsman are one step closer to introducing technology that can integrate the display symbology from Chelton’s FlightLogic EFIS

Jeppesen likely to offer terrain/SVS package

Jeppesen says it’s ready to offer avionics makers an enhanced terrain and synthetic-vision database package that it claims offers a much more accurate mode