Paris Air Show 2011

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Paris 2011: Aeroflot training benefits from Superjet and Airbus similarities

Six Aeroflot flight instructors have qualified in the

Paris 2011: Inside Russia’s Airline Pilot Factory

So where do young Russians go to become airline pilots? How does the training startTypically, they apply to the advanced flying school at Ulianovsk, which

Paris 2011: Alenia extends UAV roles through Neuron and MALE programs

    Alenia Aeronautica’s standing as a player in the fast-developing

Paris 2011: Washington Claims Leadership In Biofuels

Washington state and its neighbors in the U.S.

Paris 2011: Laser AASM hammers moving targets

One of the most important weapons development programs here in France is the INS/GPS+laser-guided variant of

Paris 2011: French industry continues shaky recovery

The French aerospace industry is still feeling the effects of the economic crisis but its results last year point to a recovery.

Paris 2011: Thales Brings Consistency to Rafale Radar

Thales is “five years ahead of anybody in Europe or the U.S.” in active arrays for airborne radars, according to Jean-Nöel Stock, Thales vice-president UAV

Paris 2011: Ontic takes on OEM burden to support legacy aircraft

When Peg Billson first was approached about the opportunity to take over leadership of