True Blue Power


Cabin Interior and Electronics

True Blue Power Bumps USB Charger Power to 45 Watts

Five configurations are available and they fit in round or square installations

Airwolf Li-ion Battery STC Approved for AStars in Brazil

True Blue Power TB20 now available for the venerable Airbus helicopters
Cabin Interior and Electronics

True Blue Power Converter Approved for Gulfstreams

Unit weighs 30% less and offers 15% more power compared with those it replaces
Maintenance and Modifications

True Blue Ups the Amps on Lithium Main-ship Battery

The latest in the Gen5 battery series and a new emergency power supply

Airwolf STCs Lithium-ion Batteries, Releases Charger

Charger helps operators maintain lithium-ion batteries

Airwolf STCs Lithium-ion Main-ship Batteries for Helicopters

The True Blue Power batteries weigh much less than traditional batteries