FAI Technik Approved to Maintain Nigerian Business Aircraft
Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority issued aircraft maintenance approval to German company
FAI Technik managing director Michael Axtmann (left) receives a Nigerian aircraft maintenance organization certificate from Civil Aviation Authority aviation safety inspector Toks Fadairo.

Nigeria’s Civil Aviation Authority has issued an approved maintenance organization certificate to Germany’s FAI Technik. The maintenance, repair and overhaul facility can now fully support Nigerian-registered aircraft including Bombardier Challengers and Learjet 60s; Hawkers; and Beechcraft Premier 1/1As and King Air twin turboprops. It can also handle maintenance checks up to 1C for the Gulfstream G280, G450, G500, G550, and G650/650ER.

FAI Technik has been supporting operators in Nigeria for more than a year, mainly providing aircraft-on-ground support through alliances with local Part 145 maintenance organizations. The work will be conducted at either of the company’s German bases in Nuremberg or Berlin, or facilities in Lagos and Abuja in Nigeria. At its Nuremberg headquarters, FAI has 108,000 sq ft of space across three hangars.

“We are pleased to receive this latest important approval from the Nigerian CAA,” said Michael Axtmann, FAI Technik’s managing director. “FAI Technik is experiencing srong demand for maintenance support in Nigeria and across Africa in general. We look forward to continuing to build strong relationships in Nigeria and growing our customer base.”