Fueling the Future: AEG Fuels' Journey to Sustainable Aviation
The AEG Carbon Neutral Program - Together we can achieve carbon neutrality
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Fueling Emission Reductions

Airplanes emit various particles and gases into the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide (CO ), which makes up 65% of global greenhouse emissions. Even though CO is one of several greenhouse gases that naturally occurs in the atmosphere, its excess traps heat causing global warming.

Air travelers are increasingly sensitized about the impact they have on the environment. Since the aviation sector is still very far away from a widely spread technology based on renewable and non-fossil fuel based power, one of the ways for them to compensate for the flightā€™s carbon footprint is through carbon offsetting their flights. Carbon offsetting is the action of balancing out own un-avoidable carbon emissions by sponsoring emission reductions elsewhere. Registered and verified emission reduction projects are implemented all around the world in different industries and the aviation sector (since it is one of the hard to abate heavy polluting sectors) will play a crucial role in bringing post-reduction financing to these projects.

AEGā€™s Carbon Neutral program helps customers achieve their goals of environmental integrity through carbon offsets. This environmental initiative is designed to help and guide our customers towards reducing and offsetting their carbon footprint.

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Get in the Know

What is Carbon Neutrality?

Carbon Neutrality is achieved when a measured and verified amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) is balanced out by exactly the same GHG reduction elsewhere or simply by avoidance and mitigation of emissions resulting in net zero emissions.

What is Carbon Offsetting?

Action of balancing out an organizationā€™s emissions by investing in projects that reduce emissions outside their boundaries.

Reducing your Carbon Footprint

  1. Reduce: By using less energy and emitting less CO 2 greenhouse gasses
  2. Replace: Replace high carbon products or inefficient equipment with lower carbon options
  3. Neutralize: Offset remaining CO greenhouse gasses by purchasing carbon credits to fund environmental projects

The Carbon Credits

The Carbon Credit is a concept created to reduce the release of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Companies are able to purchase a permit that enables them to emit a certain fixed amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO).

This credit acts as a currency for the company to then compensate for that emission by retiring the credit and funding projects that contribute to a net-reduction in the overall carbon emission in the earthā€™s atmosphere. The process of ā€˜retiringā€™ credits is assured by an independent third party and audited annually.

For each unit of carbon dioxide that is projected to be emitted into the atmosphere on each gallon of fuel purchased, AEG can facilitate the simultaneous purchase and eventual retirement of a carbon credit to offset that gallonā€™s emission. AEG can effectively allow operators to manage all or a portion of their fuel purchasing on a carbon-neutral basis.

As part of the program, AEG issues operatorā€™s official retirement proofs and carbon offsetting certificates to display in their offices and marketing programs. The retirement proofs may also be submitted to third-party regulatory agencies to provide certification of any minimum offset requirements set by governments around the world.

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The SAF Platform - Making Sustainability the Simple Choice Our Commitment

Nearly 3% of the worldā€™s CO Emissions occur as a direct result of air travel. At AEG we are enthusiastically supporting the IATA and ICAO commitments to achieve carbon-neutral growth in aviation from 2020 onwards and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The most critical component in aviationā€™s pathway to carbon neutrality is the increased production and adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Only SAF has the potential to deliver the performance of fossil-based jet fuel but at a fraction of its greenhouse gas emissions.

On-Demand SAF

AEG is now actively marketing SAF at over 20 airports around the world.

Through AEG customers can now search for SAF availability by airport and order on an into-wing basis or pay the premium for SAF to receive the benefit of emission reductions through our AEGā€™s Book and Claim program.

With the click of a button, customers can:

  • Understand where SAF is available
  • Order the product
  • Have visibility to their total GHG Reduction

We are committed to supporting end-users access to SAF via our numerous sales and marketing channels:

  • Term supply contracts,
  • On demand through AEGā€™s 24/7 dispatch,
  • Instantaneous refueling authorizations via AEGā€™s web-based Fuel Management platform
  • AEGā€™s Mobile App

ā€œOne of the key roles AEG will play in supporting aviationā€™s net-zero goal is leveraging our global footprint, agility, and technology capabilities to serve as the bridge for gaps in SAF supply, demand, location, and priceā€ said Stephen J. Leonard, Vice President of Global Supply for AEG Fuels.  ā€œWeā€™re inviting customers to login now and weā€™re excited to join each on their individual journeys to environmental integrity.ā€

AEG Book and Claim

AEGā€™s Book and Claim program enhances access to SAF by matching product supply with demand. This process allows SAF to be delivered into an airplane at one location without excess emissions due to extended logistics while the purchasing customer receives the benefit of the certification and ESG claims.

Making Sustainability the Simple Choice

At AEG we aim to offer customers the tools and technology needed to easily begin incorporating SAF into your regular purchasing channels.

Customers are invited to participate in the program and contact AEG for more information.


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