MAG Aero, L3Harris To Deliver ISR Globals for U.S. Army
Will provide bridge to future ISR aircraft
The U.S. Army selected MAG Aerospace and their teaming partner L3Harris to rapidly expand the Army’s aerial ISR mission capabilities as part of the Army’s Athena-R program using Bombardier Global 6500 business jets as the platform. (Photo: MAG Aerospace)

The U.S. Army has awarded prime contractor MAG Aerospace and team partner L3Harris Technologies a contract to deliver two enhanced intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft. Based on the Bombardier Global 6500 airframe, the aircraft will support the Army Theater-level, High-altitude Expeditionary Next Airborne ISR-Radar (Athena-R) program.

This effort is primarily a technology demonstration for a future high-altitude radar/ISR platform to support and enhance the Army’s ability to conduct long-range precision fires. A parallel Athena-S program is concerned with a passive detection system. The long-term program is known as the High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (Hades), which is likely to combine active and passive sensors in a single platform. Fielding of this yet-to-be-defined system is planned for later in the decade.

In addition to its demonstration role, Athena-R is also seen as an operational bridge between current ISR systems and the future Hades. The Army intends to employ the aircraft operationally on a contractor-owned, contractor-operated basis.

The program also drew proposals from Sierra Nevada Corp. with its Global 6500-based Rapcon-X, and Leidos with the development of its Artemis, a modified Bombardier Challenger 650. Both Artemis and an L3Harris-modified, Global 6500-based ISR platform known as Ares have been flying contractor-owned, contractor-operated missions for the Army in the European and Pacific theaters, respectively.