Infraero Shifts To Delivering Airport Solutions
Airport management company Infraero has added more services to its capability menu.

The number of airports managed by state-owned Empresa de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária (Infraero) has declined, due to the government’s granting of airport concessions to the private sector. Accordingly, LABACE 2022 exhibitor Infraero decided a few years ago to use its extensive experience of almost 50 years of managing airports to transition to offering four product lines: airport management, specialized technical services, training, and digital solutions for smaller public airports throughout Brazil.

“We [offer services] from engineering projects, management and operation of the airport, supervision of works, maintenance of runways, ramps, and pavements, and commercial development, among others,” said Rodrigo Medeiros, business superintendent at Infraero.

Clients from various regions of Brazil include cities such as Caçador and Passo Fundo in Guarujá, Juiz de Fora in Minas Gerais, Ji-Paraná in Rondônia, and state governments. “But we are also already serving the concessionaire companies by providing training and digital solutions,” he added. “We have contracts with AENA, CCR, Fraport, and Vinci—companies that manage airports that were once part of the Infraero network.”

Today, Infraero’s services for airports, especially smaller ones, benefits both regional airlines and business aviation operators.