Aero Specialties Tests the Limits
At its booth at NBAA 2019, Aero Specialties has a simulator that demonstrates maximum towing force that can be safely applied.

Ground support equipment specialist AERO Specialties is introducing the SiPsHitch Know Your Limits Challenge at its booth (N3623). Contestants can test both their strength and savvy while focusing on how much force can safely be used when pushing or pulling an aircraft under tow.

The company’s SiPsHitch simulator monitors contestants' efforts in real-time, while they push and pull. The actual device is a monitoring system that offers protection from potential catastrophic failures as well as the ability to record towing stresses. With the torque produced by new all-wheel drive and electric tractors, they can easily exceed shear pin and nose gear force limitations, and the SiPsHitch system can permit operators to use a larger tractor for lighter aircraft towing duties.

Prizes will be awarded to the contestants who successfully apply maximum force to the nose gear without exceeding factory recommendations. A grand prize, $2,000 in ground support equipment, will be awarded at 2 p.m .on Thursday.