Laser Danger Remains for Crews
An IFALPA paper expresses concern about increasing danger of laser attacks.

Despite awareness of the danger and reporting systems, the incidence of laser-pointing at aircraft continues to rise significantly, according to data from the International Federation of Airline Pilot Associations (IFALPA).

In the U.S. alone, thousands of laser strikes are officially reported by pilots every year. These strikes can result in distraction, disruption, disorientation and, in extreme cases, blindness and incapacitation, notes an IFALPA position paper.

The number of laser incidents reported to the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in 2017 was 989. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) received 6,753 reports in the same period, notes Dr. Mark Bray, executive scientist at BAE Systems.

Most attacks are reported to take place during takeoff and landing, or on hovering police helicopters. “They are caused by cheap, high-powered handheld devices that are readily available on the internet. The impact of these attacks include distraction, obscuring of instruments and dials, as well as a high probability for short-lived ‘flash’ blindness and even permanent eye damage,” noted BAE Systems.

Although most attacks happen when the aircraft is near the ground, events are now being recorded at altitudes greater than 8,000 feet, according to IFALPA. “So far, when pilots have been attacked on final approach, they have been able to hand control to the other pilot to complete the landing safely. We are extremely concerned that as the power, range, and divergence of the beams increase, we will see events where both pilots are effectively incapacitated close to the ground, with likely catastrophic consequences,” IFALPA says.

Recommended Course of Action

An IFALPA medical briefing leaflet contains a set of recommended actions to carry out when the flight deck is being targeted by laser illumination. One of the first recommendations is to look away from the laser beam and shield the eyes if possible. IFALPA further recommends to avoid rubbing the eyes so as to reduce the potential for corneal abrasion. The flight crew should then make an assessment of the damage. which In most cases, affects only one crewmember and control of the aircraft is then handed over to the non-exposed crewmember.

According to the IFALPA medical briefing leaflet, depending on the circumstances, the flight crew might also consider avoidance maneuvers such as a go-around if the illumination occurs during the final approach to an airport. Other options include engaging the autopilot and other relevant flight modes, or turning up the cockpit lights at night to minimize any further startling effects.

“As soon as flight safety allows it, the flight crew should check for dark/disturbed areas in vision, one eye at a time. If either pilot is incapacitated to a degree that may affect the safety of the aircraft, the crew should declare an emergency (Pan or Mayday as appropriate),” noted IFALPA. “The crew should then inform air traffic control (ATC) and, if the situation allows it, provide as much information as possible (laser direction, color, length of exposure, flash or intentional tracking, etc.). The use of the ‘IDENT’ button may assist ATC and authorities in pinpointing the location of origin of a laser attack.”

IFALPA also recommends the flight crew to fill in an air safety report (ASR) and, if any visual symptoms persist after landing, get an ophthalmologic examination.

IFALPA believes that rather than having to deal with laser dangers in flight, the best line of defense is effective ground security preventing them in the first place.