Cobham Introduces Three-axis Autopilot for Jets and T-props
Cobham Introduces Three-axis Autopilot for Jets and T-props

Cobham Integrated Systems of Mineral Wells, Texas, announced the S-Tec 5000 autopilot for jet and turboprop aircraft, at NBAA 2013. The new three-axis autopilot, which accommodates a full digital or a combination digital and analog interface, will be certified to meet the requirements for use in Part 25 aircraft.

In addition to the typical autopilot functions, the S-Tec 5000 will provide three-axis trim capability, straight-and-level recovery, envelope protection and altitude step-down sequencing during an approach, the latter two features needing a compatible EFIS, such as the Cobham IDU-450or IDU-680 displays.

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