First Phenom 300 Delivered in South America
Embraer's first South African customer for a Phenom 300 light jet, John McCormick, CEO of McCormick Property Developments, took delivery of his airplane la

Embraer's first South African customer for a Phenom 300 light jet, John McCormick, CEO of McCormick Property Developments, took delivery of his airplane last month during a ceremony at the manufacturer's headquarters in São José dos Campos, Brazil, just a few months after the first Phenom 100 entered operation in South Africa.

The Phenom 300 entered service in December 2009, after winning certification from the Brazilian civil aviation authority ANAC and the FAA. This year, EASA issued its type certification for the jet, and, in July, the South African Civil Aviation Authority issued its approval.

The airplane holds up to 11 occupants in a cabin designed in partnership with BMW Group DesignworksUSA. Some of the airplane's distinctive features include a single refueling port, ­externally serviced lavatory and short runway capability. One of the fastest jets in the light jet category, the Phenom 300 can fly 453 knots ktas at up to 45,000 feet. Its range of 1,971 nm (NBAA IFR reserves) gives the Phenom 300 the ability to fly nonstop from Cape Town to Luanda, Angola; from London to Athens; from Delhi to Dubai and from Brasilia to Buenos Aires.