IEC Int'l refines cabin system
Cabin management system specialist IEC International has introduced the new color version of its soft switch panel.

Cabin management system specialist IEC International has introduced the new color version of its soft switch panel. The new version makes the cabin management switches more intuitive for users by grouping functions by color. In response to customer feedback, the panel is also about 50-percent slimmer than previous models.

The company’s corporate/bizjet business unit has been exceptionally busy over the past couple of years, with orders spanning midsize to large corporate aircraft. This demanding workload has allowed IEC to hone its ability to customize complex and highly customized cabin management systems for aircraft such as the Boeing Business Jet with faster turnaround times than have recently been the norm in the overburdened completions industry.

“We recognize the need to establish a competitive advantage in the completions industry by working as a cohesive team to project-manage and schedule work through the completion process,” commented IEC chief executive Stan Knight. “It is very evident the cabin management systems industry in general and the completions centers have struggled to perform in the past. IEC is here to shake the tree and establish something refreshing going forward.”

The UK group, which is based near London Heathrow Airport, also makes cabin entertainment systems and LCD monitors. Separately, it is working with the Shephard Press Group to launch a specialist conference to address the issues of cabin management systems for business and general aviation aircraft.