Flying Colours Looking for Help With CRJ Conversions
Canadian aircraft services center Flying Colours has been talking to potential partners outside North America to support operators of a growing number of C

Canadian aircraft services center Flying Colours has been talking to potential partners outside North America to support operators of a growing number of Canadair CRJ200 conversions for which Flying Colours did the cabin outfitting.

According to president and CEO John Gillespie, Flying Colours is “leaning toward” a partnership with a company that has an established client base and is “educated about the specific geographic culture, infrastructure and workforce.” The partner, he added, will also be expected to put up fresh capital toward the joint venture.

The Peterborough, Ontario company is currently working on its ninth executive version of the CRJ, which it calls the ExecLiner. It is the ninth CRJ conversion and sixth ExecLiner of its own design since Flying Colours began offering CRJ conversions five years ago.