Air Methods, one of the nation’s largest air medical transportation providers, yes-terday signed a memorandum of under-standing with American Eurocopter to buy 15 EC 135s. Deliveries are expected to begin next year.
Present, above, at the signing ceremony yesterday were: (l to r) Mike Allen, senior v-p, Air Methods; David Dolstein, senior v-p, Air Methods; Archie Gray, v-p of technical sales, Air Methods; Aaron Todd, Air Methods CEO; and Marc Paganini, Fabrice Brégier and Guillauime Faury, all of Eurocopter.
Meanwhile, Pittsburgh-based CJ Systems placed an order yesterday for 10 EC 135s. Present at that signing, below, were (l to r) Brégier, CJ Systems president and COO Larry Pietropaulo and Paganini. CJ currently has a fleet of 115 aircraft, 41 of which are already Eurocopter EC 135 light twins.