MEBAA 2022

All MEBAA Convention news


ExecuJet’s OMDW MRO Facility To Open in Early 2023

ExecuJet’s aircraft maintenance facility at Dubai Al Maktoum International Airport is expected to open in the first quarter of 2023.
Regulations and Government

SPA: Saudi Arabia Suffering from Dearth of Charter Aircraft

Saudia Private Aviation says that some 94 percent of its air charter orders are going “unsatisfied” due to lack of available aircraft.

Airbus Aims to Sell 15 ACJs in the Middle East in the Next Five Years

In 2022, Middle East-based ACJ departures are up 42 percent on 2019.

Titan Continues To Add Aircraft at Steady Rate

Titan Aviation is looking to nearly double its fleet size and is especially looking to add super midsize or large aircraft to its lineup.

Gulf Business Boom Driving Interest in Lighter Aircraft, Embraer Says

Embraer is seeing a notable uptick in business in the Gulf region as multiple industries are driving interest in a range of aircraft categories.

Ecommpay Brings Payment Management Platform to Middle East

Ecommpay has developed a management platform for business aviation that enables clients to create invoices and accept real-time payments around the clock.

Russian FBOs Hope for Partial Recovery in Q4

Hobbled by Ukraine war-related sanctions, FBOs in Russia are hoping for a partial recovery over the New Year and Christmas holidays.

World Fuel Sees Strong Middle East Bizav Activity

While normally closely related, Middle Eastern business aviation activity levels have surpassed Europe this year according to World Fuel Services.
Maintenance and Modifications

ACJ Adds Citadel as Second U.S. Service Center

Citadel Completions joins five other locations in the Airbus Corporate Jets service center network.

Middle East ‘Underequipped’ for Volume of Business, Dassault Says

Growth opportunities abound in the Middle East, and these will accelerate with efficient use of business aircraft.