
Manfred Hader, from Roland Berger's aerospace consultancy team, says that fever pitch excitement around advanced air mobility's 2021 deluge of investment might now have subsided. He and other experts speaking at this week's Global Urban & Advanced Air Summit feel that it could take until around 2025 or 2026 for the true commercial potential of the sector to be visible.


The latest advanced air mobility agreement with the city of Miami involves eVTOL developer Supernal. The subsidiary of Korean carmaker Hyundai says the deal creates a mechanism for the city to work with industry and community stakeholders to develop “inclusive and forward-thinking policies” to promote the establishment of a sophisticated network of eVTOL aircraft operations.


Luxaviation says that its 60-plus-year pedigree in operating and supporting business jets and helicopters makes it well placed to take a leading role in bringing eVTOL and eSTOL aircraft into commercial service. Through a new partnership with Rolls-Royce—which will provide key infrastructure, such as fast-charging and maintenance capability for electric propulsion systems—the companies intend to support the expansion of services by working with new aircraft operators and vertiports.


Prospective early customers for Electra's hybrid-electric nine-seat eSTOL aircraft told the company they want helicopter-like operations with better than fixed-wing operating costs. This has meant altering the blown-lift design and emphasizing the ability to operate from landing strips no bigger than a football field in prime city-center real estate and also from distribution centers and shopping malls.


Natilus is working on a family of uncrewed freight aircraft that it says will offer an intercontinental range of up to 5,400 nm and payloads as high as 144 tonnes. It says that five prospective operators have made commitments worth $6 billion for the aircraft, but it has so far not provided any details of the propulsion system to be used for the blended wing design.


UK Research & Innovation's Future Flight Challenge is about to announce further government-backed funding for the third phase of projects aimed at preparing for the launch of advanced air mobility services. Meanwhile, GKN Aerospace and its partners—Swanson Aviation Consultancy, Pascall and Watson, and Connected Places Catapult—have just completed their Skybus project to explore the potential for shuttle flights in a 30-passenger eVTOL aircraft.


The four-seat Aska aircraft is billed as a flying SUV intended for personal transportation. Unlike smaller "flying car" concepts, it will have to be certified under Part 23 rules due to its size and weight, and its developer NFT has enlisted the aerospace and automotive engineering expertise of India's Tech Mahindra to advance development work. The hybrid-electric vehicle will be able to operate in eVTOL or eSTOL mode and is expected to have a range of around 250 miles.


Recent legislation in the U.S., such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, has established funding and regulatory paths to support the rollout and adoption of new forms of air transportation, such as those promised by eVTOL aircraft. According to Diana Cooper, global head of policy and regulations at Hyundai’s eVTOL division, Supernal, regulators are at last starting to deal with transportation needs at a multimodal level that could see advanced air mobility become a valued addition to national infrastructure.

On the Radar
Dutch Researchers See First Nine-seat Electric Aircraft in Scheduled Service by 2026

A study recently presented by Dutch researchers NACO/Royal HaskoningDHV and Royal NLR to the Netherlands’s House of Representatives concluded that the first nine-passenger electric aircraft could reach the short-haul AAM market by 2026, with the potential for larger 19-seaters to follow. The Netherlands has set a goal to fully electrify short-haul scheduled air services by 2050.

On the Radar
Chinese Regulators Adopt Special Conditions for EHang's Autonomous EH216 eVTOL Aircraft

On February 23, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) announced that it has formally adopted the special conditions for the type certification of EHang's EH216 "autonomous aerial vehicle." The publication of the conditions, which have been in effect since February 9, should clear the way for the Chinese manufacturer to advance to the next stage of type certification work. The company has not provided an update on when it expects to complete type certification that would clear the way for full-scale production and operations in the domestic market. 

FF VideoPlayer_Joby

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board has yet to publish initial findings from its investigation of the February 16 accident involving Joby Aviation’s eVTOL prototype aircraft. Observers will be paying attention for further details on the operational profile of flight testing that day, with ADS-B tracking showing that at one point the all-electric vehicle reached a ground speed of 276 mph (240 kt). In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing on the day of the accident, the company acknowledged that the prototype had been operating “outside expected operating conditions,” as would be expected during a flight test program. The aircraft (tail number N542AJ) is one of two Joby full-scale prototypes and it is seen flying here in the video the company posted in late February 2021. Joby’s second prototype (N542BJ) started flight testing in late December 2021. In January, the California-based company said it was due to start flight trials with the U.S. Air Force’s Agility Prime program. It remains to be seen how the loss of the first prototype may impact the timeline for type certification work.

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Since April 2019, there has been little public evidence of progress in the development of an "Optionally Piloted Personal Air Vehicle" from the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. However, South Korea has made it clear that it views eVTOL aircraft as a significant part of its transportation plans.

Featured Person
Xin Fang

In February 2022, Chinese eVTOL aircraft developer EHang appointed Xin Fang as its chief operating officer. He is now responsible for day-to-day operations, including sales and production of EHang's EH216 and VT30 autonomous vehicles, reporting directly to founder, chairman, and CEO Huazhi Hu. After earning a master's degree in business administration from Nanchang University, Fang has spent most of his career in sales for the IT, systems integration, tourism, and real estate sectors. He founded IT group Beijing Yihangtianxin Technology Development Co. and tourism group Wuning Xinyihang Investment Development Co.

March 29 - 31, 2022 / Amsterdam, Netherlands

European aviation safety regulator EASA's drones conference will have a strong focus on the role of autonomous vehicles in urban air mobility. The hybrid event is being staged from Amsterdam as part of Amsterdam Drone Week and has been rescheduled from mid-January due to ongoing Covid travel restrictions.