
Vertical Aerospace has chosen Rolls-Royce as a key partner for its renamed VA-X4 eVTOL aircraft. Ground and tethered flight testing is due to get underway in the UK by September 2021, followed by full flight testing in 2022 and projected type certification by the end of 2024. The program has already attracted other key backers, including Honeywell Aerospace, Solvay, and TE Connectivity.


A week after meeting with Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, eVTOL aircraft developer Archer Aviation has announced plans to launch an urban air mobility network in the South Florida city. The company recently raised around $1.1 billion through a merger with special purpose acquisition company Atlas Crest Investment Corp.


By combining a new one-megawatt generator with an auxiliary power unit, Honeywell aims to deliver a turbogenerator that will support multiple hybrid-electric aircraft. The initiative is part of the U.S. aerospace group's effort to provide a wide array of technologies to aircraft developers in the advanced air mobility sector.


Research engineers from the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory have been investigating the projected power requirements of new electric aircraft and how these could be met. Options include alternative power sources, such as hydrogen, but there are also wider questions as to how the required infrastructure will be financed by the emerging advanced air mobility sector.


The Chinese eVTOL aircraft developer has reaffirmed its commitment to developing a longer-range model than its existing EH216, which is limited to flights of just 22 miles. Some prospective customers are reportedly hoping for an aircraft that could fly almost 290 miles, but this would require a significantly different approach from that taken with the development of EHang's existing eVTOL.

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Horizon's Cavorite eVTOL aircraft features a distinctive wing with an integrated propulsion system that the company says delivers a winning combination of range, operational flexibility, and safety. Its merger with Astro Aerospace should boost the new group's engineering capacity, perhaps accelerating three aircraft programs that have been in stealth mode until now.

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Perhaps because of its origin as a driver of key defense research projects, Aurora Flight Sciences seems to instinctively prefer to keep its work under wraps. Almost two years have passed since the Boeing subsidiary stopped test flights on its Passenger Air Vehicle eVTOL, but it sounds as if the Aurora team still has more surprises to spring on the world of advanced air mobility.

On the Radar
SEC Filing Spells Out the Basis for Archer's $1.1 Billion Merger with Atlas SPAC

Atlas Crest Investment Corp. has filed an S-4 registration form with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, spelling out details of its merger with eVTOL aircraft developer Archer Aviation. The March 8 filing came almost a month after Archer and the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) announced plans for a $1.1 billion share flotation.

The document provides an interesting snapshot as to how SPAC-backed flotations, which are set to be a funding trend in the advanced air mobility sector, are structured. Though the process is somewhat hard to follow without guidance from a corporate attorney, the bottom line is that Atlas must seek approval from shareholders for the merger, which is due to be completed in the second quarter of 2021.

The filing shows that the basis for calculating the number of Class B shares in New Archer is based on an implied equity value for the company of $2.5 billion. On top of this, the deal includes $600 million in PIPE financing from existing investors. While the equity holdings of cofounders Brett Adcock and Adam Goldstein are subject to a six-month lock-up, the PIPE investors are free to liquidate their holdings at will.

On the Radar
Joby and Xwing Make the Cut In 'Fast Company' Ranking of Most Innovative Companies

Two high fliers from the advanced air mobility sector have been named in the transportation segment of Fast Company magazine's rankings for The World's Most Innovative Companies. The top ten list for the transportation category of the annual rankings was topped by electric vehicle pioneer Tesla, with autonomous vehicle delivery service Waymo in the number-four spot. In the sixth position was eVTOL aircraft developer Joby Aviation, which has just announced a $1.6 billion flotation. In the number-eight slot was Xwing, which is seeking to convert and operate existing fixed-wing aircraft to be flown autonomously.


AeroMobil has achieved key airworthiness targets in flight testing for its two-seat 4.0 flying car as it progresses toward completing certification under EASA’s CS-23 regulations before the end of 2023. The Slovakia-based private company is also seeking European approval for the 4.0 as an M1-category road vehicle and will later seek U.S. certification from the FAA.

Flight testing of the folding-wing design began in September 2020 and has so far involved three fully functioning prototypes. AeroMobil started the EASA type certification process in 2019 and last week reported that it has conducted over 300,000 hours of engineering work and more than 10,000 hours of “virtual” and “real” testing.

During the latest round of flight tests, the 4.0 achieved its top-speed target of 160 mph and stall speed of around 60 kts (69 mph). It also demonstrated its ability to take off in just 1,300 feet and achieved a rate of climb of over 1,200 feet per minute. Flight testing is due to continue to meet the remaining CS-23 certification requirements, with some minor design changes anticipated to optimize performance.

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Vertical Aerospace aims to get ground and tethered flight testing for its VA-X4 eVTOL aircraft underway in the UK by September 2021, followed by full flight testing in 2022 and projected type certification by the end of 2024.

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Tom Muniz

Tom Muniz joined Archer Aviation in December 2019 as vice president of engineering. He had previously held the same positions with rival eVTOL aircraft developers Kitty Hawk and then Wisk. Archer promoted him to chief operating officer in March 2021, giving him a seat on the start-up ahead of its pending merger with special purpose acquisition company Atlas Crest Investment Corp.

Muniz has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and a master's degree in aeronautics and astronautics from the University of Washington.

March 18, 2021 / CAnada

The Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium is holding a virtual open house on March 18. Participants will have the chance to find out how they could play a role in AAM development and how plans for this mode of transportation are progressing where they live.